štvrtok 1. decembra 2011

Foods to Avoid For Reducing Body Fat

In order to reduce body fat, you should steer clear of a number of foods. Two categories of foods, in particular, can have a particularly adverse effect on body fat: most white foods and foods high in sugar — especially fructose. White-colored foods are often high in the carbohydrates starch and sugar. Carbohydrates are an essential component of a healthy diet, but many people are not active enough to burn…

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Foods to Avoid For Reducing Body Fat is a post from TweakFit. TweakFit is a fitness blog dedicated to helping people get healthy and fit through proper exercise, nutrition, and injury maintenance.
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Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TweakFit/~3/I8Vf7szyIak/foods-to-avoid-for-reducing-body-fat

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